WHY Series: Why do we give Tithes and offerings?

One of the bigger issues that we have in churches today is the giving tithes and offerings. However if people really knew and could grasp the concept of how powerful giving tithes and offerings is, not only would everybody start giving, they would also do so with a heart of joy and thanksgiving. Today I list a few biblical reasons why it is in your best interest to give tithes and offerings.

1.  We are commanded to by God

In the Word of God it teaches us that we are to give tithes and offerings to the Lord.  God is only asking for 10% of our total income to be given to Him in tithes and for the offerings to be from the heart.  Deuteronomy 14:22 “You must set aside a tithe of your crops—one-tenth of all the crops you harvest each year.”

2.  Fear of and Obedience to God

Giving tithes and offerings not only teaches us to fear God but shows God that we fear (respect) Him and that we are obedient to His Word and commands.  When we give tithes and offerings out of respect and obedience with a cheerful 

heart the Lord is pleased.  The Lord in return takes care of us and gives us His favor and brings great blessings to our lives.  Psalms 115:13 “He will bless those who fear the Lord, both great and lowly.”  2 Corinthians 9:7 “You must each decide in your heart how much to give.  And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure.  “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

3.  Keeps us from the Wrath of God

We can all agree that if we go around taking things that do not belong to us, it is called stealing and it will reap negative consequences should you get caught.  Well the same is true when you refuse to give tithes and offerings to the Lord or you cheat Him by giving Him less that what is asked.  We have to remember that the money we have is God’s money that He has entrusted to us, not our own.  If we steal from God who is all knowing there will be consequences because we will be caught every time, and it is not at all wise to steal let alone steal from God.

Malachi 3:8  Will a man rob God?  Yet you have robbed Me!  But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’  In tithes and offerings.”

4.  Tithes and Offerings Builds your Faith

One of the biggest reasons why people have a hard time being faithful givers of tithes and offerings is because they don’t feel like they can afford it or they look at all of the things they need and want first and then don’t have enough left over to give.  This type of thinking is basically telling God that you don’t trust Him to provide for all of your needs, and bless you with your wants if you are faithful in giving what is owed to God.  When we step out and we give tithes and offerings to the Lord, in essence we are sowing seed into His Kingdom and therefore we have the opportunity to be blessed and reap a great harvest.  Proverbs 28:20  A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.

5.  Tithes and Offering Bring Blessings

While it should never be your motive for giving of tithes and offerings, as mentioned briefly above when you give of these tithes and offerings you open the door in your life for blessings and God’s favor to be upon you because of your obedience to His Word.  This however goes even beyond just monetary offerings or tithes.  This can also include things like giving of your time, buying something for somebody in need, feeding somebody who is hungry etc.  We can see in the following verses what God tells us about giving.  Luke 6:38  Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”  Deuteronomy 15:10 Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do.”

Just like everything else God commands or tells us to do giving tithes and offerings is in our best interest.  It will actually greatly help us to give back to the Lord what is owed to Him, and to give to others out of thankfulness for what He has so richly blessed us with.