THE WHY SERIES: WHY the disciples had to wait so long?

Would the disciples have accomplished anything without the Holy Spirit? No. Will we?
That question needs to ring continually in our ears because we Christians are usually highly
motivated self-starters. If we weren’t, we probably wouldn’t have gotten past all the obstacles there
are to involvement in evangelism. Because we’re highly motivated we look ahead. We try to see the
“bigger picture” and we try to achieve long lists of objectives.
We face great temptations to take off on our own power and then wind up asking the Lord to bless
activities we’ve already got going and plans we’ve already laid out. We almost seem to fear that
“waiting” on the Spirit is irresponsible.
In the light of the post resurrections appearances, that’s getting things a bit backward, isn’t it? Isn’t
looking to God for power and wisdom and direction the first thing we’re supposed to be doing?
Why would we dare attempt to do anything until He has made good on His promise of “power from
on high”?
What great imagery the phrase “clothed with power” gives us. We wouldn’t walk outside on an
extremely cold day without winter clothing. We wouldn’t walk into a high-paying job interview
without giving thought to what we should be wearing. So, why would we dare attempt to do
ministry without being “clothed with power from on high”?
These waiting days were necessary to enable the disciples to realize their need, their nothingness,
their failure and their dependence upon the Master. They had to get emptied first before they
would get filled.