THE WHY SERIES: What Does “Rogation” Mean?

The word “Rogation” comes from the Latin verb rogare, meaning “to ask” , which reflects the
beseeching of God for the appeasement of his anger and for protection from calamities .
“Rogation” means “asking”, which is a theme particularly prominent in the Gospel text for this
Sunday (St. John 16:23-33). We call this Sunday “Rogation Sunday” because the three (3) days
which follow it are ancient Rogation Days, these being the three (3) days leading up to the great
Feast of the Ascension of our Lord.
How should we observe these days?  Rogation days are days of prayerful supplication before
God.  In the agrarian culture of yesterday, it was common for the church to gather on the
Rogation Days to ask God to bless the crops being sown, and farmers often had their crops
blessed by a priest at this time. What crops are being sown in your farm (life) today and which
ones need God’s Blessings?