THE WHY SERIES: The Many Meanings of the Cross

Do you have a cross on you, at home, in your office or your car? Why?

The cross is one of the earliest and most widely used Christian symbols.  In the broadest sense, a cross symbolizes the religion of Christianity.  More specifically, it represents and memorializes Christ’s death.  The Cross means many things to many people.  Some have it displayed on their mantel; others wear it around their neck.  What is the Cross?

*The Cross is love:  Christ died for sinners.  He died for people who had lost their way.  He did not die because it was forced upon him.  It was a choice.  A choice made in love.  The message of the Cross remains a gift of love to those undeserving.  Above all, the Cross is a symbol of love.

*The Cross is personal:  In most religions, people strive to reach deity.  Christianity is the only faith where God has reached down to us.  Our response to such a God is to know him personally.  Jesus died so that he could know you.  It was personal.

*The Cross is willful humility:  Christ’s death was an act of his will.  In Philippians 2:7-8, Paul states that Jesus humbled himself in obedience and died a criminal death on the Cross.  He willed his flesh, mind, and emotions to die on the Cross.

*The Cross is prophetic:  There are many prophecies of the Cross in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. From the beginning of time, God has been planning to rescue humanity from the clutches of evil by horrific death on a cross.

*The Cross is final:  So many gaze at the Cross and yet hold on to past hurt, pain, and problems.  They don’t belong on your back any longer, Jesus has taken them on his.  The debt is paid.  Look to the Cross and receive your salvation. The cross of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith.  The cross reveals to us the character of God, His love for lost sinners, and His perfect justice meet at the cross.  If we want to grow in our love for God, which is the first and greatest commandment, then we must be growing to understand and appreciate of the cross, which shows us His great love.  If we want to grow in godliness, we must grow in understanding the significance of the cross, which confronts the most prevalent and insidious of all sins, namely, pride.  The cross is the place where all the wounds of sin are healed.  If you suffer from emotional problems–guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, or whatever–there is healing in the cross of Christ.  If you are going through tragedy or suffering, there is comfort in abundance as you contemplate the sufferings of the spotless Savior on your behalf.